How Chiropractic and Massage Therapy Work Together:The Chiropractor works to relieve the structural problems and the Massage Therapist works to resolve the soft tissue problems. Most chiropractors who work hand-in-hand with Massage Therapists collaborate to find the most effective treatment regimen for each patient. The long-term solution is a commitment to overall wellness. Although Chiropractic and Massage Therapy both offer considerable benefits individually, they're better together. 1. Prepares the Muscles and Attachments: Massage prior to a chiropractic adjustment lowers the likelihood of muscle spasm post-adjustment because of the elongation of the muscles that attach to the spine after a massage. 2. Extends the Benefit of Chiropractic Adjustment: Because there is a decrease in muscle tension, there is an increase in flexibility and longer sustained benefits from the adjustment. 3. Positive Influence on the Circulatory System: The circulation of the blood, lymph and interstitial fluids are critical to the natural homeostasis throughout the body, as well as its ability to heal and regenerate. Improvement in circulation has a plethora of benefits involving all the body systems. 4. General Sense of Wellness: Massage therapy and a Chiropractic adjustment together can help to cleanse the body of impurities by breaking down built up toxins. This often has a calming effect on patients who are feeling anxious and stressed. 5. Recovery from Pain: Recovery, especially from conditions that cause pain, can be faster and more complete when multiple components of that pain are addressed simultaneously. Spinal alignment is key for diminishing back pain. The Chiropractor will work to resolve the structural problems and the Massage Therapist will work to resolve the soft tissue problems. Working together to get you back to a state of health, well-being, and pain-free as quickly as possible. |